A Brain Hemorrhage is a type of stroke caused by an artery in the brain bursting and causing localized bleeding in the surrounding tissues. This is bleeding kills the brain cells. The Greek root for blood is hemo. Hemoorrhage literaly means "Blood" bursting forth.
What Happens During A Brain Hemorrhage?
When Blood from trauma irritates brain tissues, it causes swelling. The pooled blood collects into a mass called a hematoma. These conditions increase pressure on nearby brain tissue, which reduces vital blood flow. Bleeding can occur inside the brain, between the brain and the membranes that cover it, between the layers of the brains covering or between the skull and the covering of the brain.
What Causes Bleeding In The Brain?
There are several risk factors and causes of Brain Hemorrhages to include: Brain Tumors, High Blood Pressure, Aneurysm, Stroke, Concussions and Head Trauma injury, which is the most common cause of bleeding in the brain for those younger than age 50.
Signs and Symptoms of Brain Hemorrhage:
Sudden severe headache
Weakness in arm or leg
Nausea or vomiting
Decreased alertness
Changes in vision
Tingling or numbness,
Difficulty speaking or understanding speech
Difficulty swallowing
Difficulty writing or reading
Loss of fine motor skills-such as hand tremors
Loss of coordination
Loss of balance
An abnormal sense of taste
Loss of consciousness
Seizures with no previous history of seizures
If you exhibit any of the above mentioned symptoms, you may have a brain hemorrhage. This is a life threatening condition, and you should call 911 or go to an emergency room immediately.

What are the numbers?
People in the US with an unruptured brain aneurysm
Approximate amount of people who suffer a brain aneurysm rupture in the US
Patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) who die before reaching the hospital.
4 / 7
How many out of 7 people who recover from a ruptured brain aneurysm will have disabilities.